Sunday, March 27, 2011

Thing 23

A few examples that I found during this exercise that shows how Learning 2.0-23 Things for Teachers blog was based on someone else's work....


Learning 2.0 - 23 Things for Teachers is based on Learning 2.0 - 23 Things, a staff development program for the Mesquite Independent School District. That program was based on the Learning 2.0 program that was designed by Helene Blowers and adapted by the California School Library Association and others. Content and style for Learning 2.0 - 23 Things for Teachers has been borrowed and duplicated with permission, under a Creative Commons License.
*Note: This project is loosely based upon the website 43Things (which allows you to set and track personal goals) and the Stephen Abram article titled 43 Things I (or You) might want to do this year (Information Outlook - Feb 2006).
After reviewing the tutorial about Creative Commons I think it has opened up a gateway to useful and usable material for the classroom. This website allows a safe haven for teachers to create lessons that include technological resources without breaking laws that deal with copyright. It makes it much easier on the mind to know that someone created a tool that allows you to view material that has been filtered as safe and usable. I know that I will use what I have learned to share with my students the importance of crediting people for their work and how extremely easy it is to use things that are not ours to use! I think that in a world full of technology that is so readily available at our fingertips we often forget that we still have to remember that it originated from somewhere...and most importantly for someone. By recognizing that someone has worked hard to produce and create things only adds to the appreciation of using it.

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