Monday, January 31, 2011

Thing 3

10 Ways to Use a Blog:

1. Have students create accounts as a tool for discussing assignments and receiving feedback among their peers. (High school age being more appropriate in this scenerio.)
2. Create a blog for the parents of your students to follow. You could include helpful tips and strategies for helping students with their homework and also a way that parents can communicate useful strategies among themselves.
3. As a student in the education program you can use the blog to share ideas among your peers and ask questions about things that you may find challenging.
4. As a student you can share experiences related to observations and reflections of classroom experiences. You can collaberate on the differences in teaching styles found throughout the schools in your community.
5. As a teacher you can create a blog that allows you to share ideas among your collegues when coming up with creative lessons and what standards you may find challenging to teach.
6. You can create a blog around current events and ask your students to post their views and opinions on whats going on in the world. This would be great for debate!
7. If you were an English teacher you could create a blog that would allow students to discuss the book that was being read among your classes. They could give their interpretations of the reading material.
8. If you were teaching Foreign Language you could create a blog in which students could interact with students from that country. This would enable them to talk with students who are fluent in the language  and who are the same age.
9. If you were in Related Arts you could create a blog that would allow students to post videos or images of their work for feedback among their peers.
10. You can create a blog for just about anything that you would find useful, but most importantly it gives you opportunity to get ideas and feedback from anywhere, about anything in the world!

Thing 2

Our second assignment was to create a blog and avatar. When I was creating my blog name and my posting name I wanted something short, simple, and a little bit catchy. Creating the blog, as I said in the previous post, was fairly simple. I felt the step by step instructions were self explanatory and if I found anything to be confusing I simply asked my classmate next to me.
When creating the avatar I found that if you waited on creating it until after you created a login there were more items to choose from. I did design it to look as much like myself as I could, although it could use some spunk! I think when I get some extra time I will go back and have it reflect a little more of my personality.

Thing 1

Our first assignment was to listen to a tutorial titled 7 1/2 Habits of Lifelong Learners.  After listening to the tutorial I found it gave an informative outlook on tools that are needed to be successful in the teaching profession.
The habit I find to be the easiest is Habit 3: View Problems as Challenges. I strongly believe that in order to stay positive and optimistic about life you must always view the negative aspects of life as challenges. When we experience problems we have two choices: give up or move on. Each experience not only shapes who we are but who we become. Viewing problems as challenges will lead to overcoming things that may otherwise set you back. So in short, don't let the bumps in the road keep you from reaching your destination!
 The habit I find to be the hardest is Habit 6:  Technology. Although technology can be very helpful, it can also be very overwhelming. Often I find myself in comparison to the search engine commercials: black cat-Halloween-Holidays-Billie get the point. What was once limited information is now endless information. My biggest "challenge", so to speak, will be using technology to my advantage and not becoming overwhelmed when determining what information is most useful.

I hope by learning to use the tools available with Web 2.0 I will be able to make planning easier and teaching more interesting. I did find setting up the blog to be fairly easy, however, putting the silly avatar on here was much more challenging.